Mail Bag | 受信箱

Mail Bag | 受信箱

Atley Jonas | ヨナシュ・アトリ

Originally written in English

     It’s a long-standing tradition for publications to solicit feedback from readers, publishing a cross-section of the letters they’ve received. Back in days gone by, actual letters were the only way to communicate with a company, and often, great care went into their writing. A well-crafted letter was a treat to read and to share with other readers. In later years, written letters were replaced by e-mails, and in the 2010s, it has evolved even further to include social media – Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, just to name a few. It has never been easier or quicker for readers to communicate directly with the editorial staff of a publication. One thing that hasn’t changed though: a well-crafted tweet can be just as much a treat to read and share as the letters of days gone by.

     In establishing a regular Mailbag column, it’s my hope to present some of the highlights from all the feedback we get by e-mail, LinkedIn, Facebook, and others. Since this is the inaugural edition, you may notice that some of the letters refer to HRA issues prior to 4-1, whereas in future installments I would like to focus mainly on those reflections that refer to the most recent issue.

     As editor in chief, I encourage you all to share your thoughts with us! Forrest Gump would liken it to a box of chocolates, which would be a most apt description. Truly, as editor in chief, I assure you that I have no idea what’s waiting for me when I open my email box in the morning. One thing is for certain, though. For good or for ill, I love reading feedback, comments and suggestions from people. We’d love to know what you think we’re doing wrong or right.

In response to HRA 4-1: Using Coaching as a Route to Reach Potential & Achieve Goals

     I have been interested in coaching as a means to improve employee performance for some time, so I was happy to see the article by Ms. Shito. The article gives an overview of the benefits of coaching and how that is perceived by coaches and organizations. However, I think that the article would have been even more informative if it had given more on how those actually receiving coaching felt. There was survey data from coaching and from those organizations that support coaching, but little from the view point of the coachee. After all, the coachee is the focus of the coaching effort. I look forward to more on the impact and benefits of coaching.

Bruce from Okinawa, Japan

In response to HRA 3-2: Can I Move to Japan to Work in HR?

     I would say there are significant hurdles to overcome unless one is being transferred on a development assignment within a MNC. Firstly there is the language barrier, which at entry level is difficult to overcome, secondly there are many well trained HR practitioners which are versed in the administrative practices of Japan HR (do not think you will get near strategy), finally there is the financial issue that a foreigner has to address (no opportunity to live at home with Mum and Dad) while one progresses one’s career. Advice, if you are truly focused on Japan, is to join an MNC of which there are many Japanese firms and earn your way to a role in country. The effort is worth it.

Clive G. Tanaya-Bloomer, received via. LinkedIn

In response to HRA 3-1: Selection Practices for Expats in Japanese MNCs

     Thanks for sharing this! This is a very interesting topic! I had the opportunity to research on this topic for my Master’s thesis.

     The main findings of my paper were that Japanese MNCs almost never use intercultural competencies as a selection criteria – despite [the fact that] this is recognized as one of the most important criteria when sending someone abroad. As said in the article, Japanese MNCs seem to prefer technical competency over such intercultural skills.

     But the funny thing is that Japanese MNCs actually do better than Western firms in terms of average expatriation failure rates (although the concept of ‘failure rates’ can be discussed and is seen by many researchers as irrelevant)!

Jean-Pascal Paoli, received via. LinkedIn

     If you would like to submit a letter to the editor, please send an e-mail to: While not all mail will necessarily be answered or published, we do read and consider all feedback.



     この「受信箱」コラムを定期化することを念頭に、これまでEメール、LinkedInFacebookなどでいただいたすべてのフィードバックの中から主要なものをいくつかご紹介したいと思います。このコラムは今号が最初なので、ここに紹介する便りは主に「The HRAgenda4-1号以前のものが多くなっていますが、今後は、最新号に関するご意見を主に取り上げていきたいと考えています。

     「The HR Agenda」の新任編集長として私は、読者の皆さまがご意見をシェアしてくださるよう切に願っています。フォレスト・ガンプが1箱のチョコレートになぞらえたように(それはまさに今の私の気持ちにぴったりです)、朝一番にEメールの受信箱を開くとき、どんなメールが来ているかはまったく見当が付かないと、編集長としてはっきり断言できます。ただ、1つだけ確かなことがあります。それは内容がどうであれ、読者の皆さまからのフィードバック、コメント、また提案を読むことを私がとても楽しみにしているということです。私たちがうまくやっているかどうかを皆さまがどうお考えになっているか、ぜひお知らせいただければ幸甚です


     私は、従業員の成果を向上させるための手段としてのコーチングにかねがね興味を持っていましたので、紫藤氏 の記事を拝見できてとても嬉しく思いました。その記事は、コーチングのメリットに関する概念を与えてくれるとともに、コーチングがコーチや企業からどう見られているかを教えてくれました。ただ、実際にコーチングを受ける側がどう感じているかを示してくれれば、この記事はもっと有益だったのではないかと考えています。この記事には確かにコーチする側やコーチングを支持する企業の側からの調査データが載っていましたが、コーチを受ける側の視点はほとんどなかったように思います。結局のところ、コーチを受ける側がコーチングの焦点なのですから。コーチングの効果とメリットについてさらに突っ込んだ記事が掲載されることを期待しています。

 ブルース (沖縄県在住



クライブ・G・タナヤ=ブルーマー LinkedIn経由で受領)




     でも面白いことに、実際は、日本の多国籍企業は海外派遣における平均失敗率が欧米企業よりもよいということです(もっとも、「失敗率」という概念にはまだ議論の余地がありますし、無意味と見なす研究者も多いのです )。

ジャン=パスカル・パオリ LinkedIn経由で受領)

     編集長にご意見をお寄せいただくときは、 あてにメールをお送りください。そうしたメールに個別にお答えしたり必ず誌上で紹介したりはできませんが、私たちはすべてのお便りを拝見します



Atley Jonas joined The HR Agenda team as editor in chief, in 2014. He has a Master’s in business administration, and spent 11 years living and working in Japan. He actively writes and edits for a number of U.S. and global business publications, while also pursuing several entrepreneurial ventures.


ヨナシュ・アトリ 2014年に編集長として 「The HR Agenda」に加わった。経営学修士 号(MBA)を持ち、日本に11年間生活した経験 がある。また、いくつかの米国および世界のビ ジネス誌にライター・編集者として参加するか たわら、数々の起業ベンチャーにも携わってい る。


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