Following the success of the AskHR Forum both online and as a regular feature in The Agenda magazine, JHRS is pleased to introduce a new service offering called

AskHR, Live!

 Bring Andrew and Yoshi's more than 60 years of combined experience, wisdom, expertise to your organization as speakers, executive coaches, and/or HR consultants. See them in action in pictures here.

CONTACT US if you want Andrew and Yoshi to work with you and your team to start achieving breakthroughs in performance amongst your people!

  • Do you have HR-related questions that you want answered but afraid to ask or you don't know whom to ask?
  • Are you new to Japan and the way HR management is done here?
  • Would you be interested to know how other HR professionals have addressed the people and organizational issues and challenges you are facing now?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, this is the forum for you!

The concept is simple: you have a problem, you ask us, and our HR experts, Andrew and Yoshi, will independently give their opinions or thoughts on your problem and how you can possibly solve them based from their more than 60 years of combined experience in business and HR...for FREE!

Send your questions to: askHR@jhrs.org (Note: Your name, company , or email will be kept confidential....unless of course you tell us otherwise!)

  • HRに関して、聞きたいけれど怖くて聞けないような質問をお持ちではないですか。あるいは、誰に聞いたらよいのかわからないという状態ではないでしょうか。
  • 日本についても、日本におけるHRマネジメントについても、まだ不案内でいらっしゃいませんか。
  • ほかのHRのプロ達が、従業員問題や組織問題、さらには貴社が現在直面されている課題にどう対処しているか、お知りになりたくありませんか。



HR関連のお悩みをお持ちならば、askHR@jhrs.org にまでお尋ね下さい。(お名前、貴社名、電子メールアドレスなどは、ご許可のない限り、極秘扱いとさせていただきます。)

AskHR: Helping you solve your people issues.

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