Editorial and Submission Guidelines*

Who can submit

The HR Agenda accepts articles on a wide range of HR topics, from industry professionals, researchers, freelancers, students, and company employees. 

While unsolicited submissions are welcome, we would encourage you to get in touch with us first, to discuss our preferred article topics for upcoming issues based on our editorial calendar.

What we are looking for

  • All submissions (in English and/or Japanese), regardless of the type of article, must be original pieces, either previously unpublished, or works to which the submitter holds full copy and distribution rights. 
  • Please ensure your piece has been fact-checked for accuracy and that all statistics, figures, and claims can be well backed up or substantiated. 
  • We cannot accept materials that have been plagiarized, or copied from other sources, in whole or in part. 
  • Articles that make use of publicly edited sources (such as Wikipedia) will not be accepted. 
  • The HR Agenda is a professional trade magazine rather than a peer-reviewed journal, so please write in a style that will appeal to a broad audience. 
  • Specialist terms or concepts may need to be explained, and bear in mind that all articles will also need to be translated into Japanese (or English) by our translation team. 
  • Also, please keep in mind that our target audience primarily consists of Japan-focused HR professionals and business executives doing business in Japan. As such, it will be most helpful if your article directly addresses topics and issues that are somehow Japan-related. 
  • Whenever possible, case studies, statistics, and examples should be Japan-focused.

Editorial process

  • If your article is accepted for publication, please be prepared to engage in a collaborative editing process with the The HR Agenda team for the duration of the run-up to publication, which may be up to two months. 
  • Partial re-writes or heavy edits may be requested during that time in order to make the piece meet our highest level of journalistic integrity.

Other important things to note

  • Please include a head shot photo with your article, along with a 2-sentence professional biography or summary of your other work. This will be included at the end of your article. 
  • All submissions must be made electronically, by email to: editor-in-chief@jhrs.org and must include your name and contact information (the latter will not be published).
  • Pseudonyms, pen names, or nom de plume are generally not accepted. 
  • The HR Agenda does not offer monetary remuneration for articles, however, digital (and if applicable, printed) copies in which your article is published will be made available to you at no cost.
  • The HR Agenda holds the absolute right and discretion to reject, publish, withdraw, suspend, and even unpublish any submitted articles if they are found even at a later date to be significantly inaccurate, a plagiarized article, violating intellectual property rights or copyrights, or falls short of our editorial standards.
  • Requests for withdrawal of articles submitted/published should be made in writing stating the exact article name and date of publication accompanied with reasons of the withdrawal request. The HR Agenda will earnestly consider all requests for withdrawal but the final decision to grant or deny such requests shall solely rest on The HR Agenda. All decisions made by The HR Agenda on this matter is deemed final and executory.

*Note: The above guidelines may be revised/updated without prior notice.



The HR Agenda」は業界専門家、研究者、フリーランサー、学生、会社員の皆様からのHRに関する幅広いテーマの記事を受け付けています。







・「The HR Agenda」 は学会誌というよりもむしろ業界誌ですので、幅広い読者層へ向けて主張するスタイルで書いてください。


・また、私どもがターゲットにしている読者は、主に日本に注目するHR専門家や日本でビジネスをしている会社幹部であることも念頭に置いてください。よって、お書きいただく記事が何らかの形で日本に関係した題材や問題をじかに 扱っているものであれば有益でしょう。



・お書きいただいた記事が掲載されることになった際は、発行までの準備期間中、「The HR Agenda」編集チームとの共同編集作業にご協力ください。期間は最大で2か月です。






・「The HR Agenda」の寄稿に対する金銭的報酬はお支払いしませんが、お寄せいただいた記事が掲載されたデジタル版コピー(プリント版がある場合はそれ)を差し上げます。

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