The Japan Labor Review is a quarterly journal of research in the field of labor studies. For the purpose of providing valuable information on Japanese labor issues to the broad range of overseas readers, articles are selected, edited and published by an editorial board of the JILPT.
Main theme of this issue: "Minimum Wage in Japan"
・The Minimum Wage System in Japan: In Light of Circumstances in the United States and Europe
・Analysis of the Determinants of Minimum Wages in Japan
・Minimum Wages and Employment in Japan
・Legal Structure of, and Issues with, Japan's Regional Minimum Wage System: Comparative Study of the UK and French Systems, Including the Social Security Systems
▽Articles Based on Research Report
・Analysis on the Acquisition of Vocational Certifications and Their Effectiveness in Japan
・The Career Pictures of Workers in Their 50s: Considering Adult Career Development Using the Life-Line Method
▽JILPT Research Activities
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