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“Taking the Next Step” at WIN Conference | 

Elizabeth Handover, JHRS Women in HR Advocate Leader エリザベス・ハンドーヴァー, JHRSWomen in HR」提唱リーダー

Women at this international networking conference join together to change selflimiting attitudes, develop confidence and gain new skills. | 女性たちがネットワーキング会議に集まり、自己を規制する態度を変え、自信を作りだし、新しいスキルを得ることに焦点を当てて論じ合った。

Originally written in English

     “Taking the next step” in women’s leadership, work-life balance, and inclusion and diversity in the workplace was the theme of the second Women’s International Networking (WIN) Conference Japan, held in Tokyo in May.

     Participants recognized the need to take a bold step in Japan’s corporate world, where there are still only 11 percent women overall in managerial positions. More than 74 percent of women off-ramp at some point in their career and many find it all but impossible to on-ramp again.

     In her message to the group, WIN founder Kristin Engvig emphasized that this is “the time of the women,” and that “women need to take a big step forward, to be authentic and to help each other to bring their uniqueness to the workplace.”

     WIN is an independent global organization for women and men working internationally and organizations active in the field of women’s leadership, development, diversity and inclusion.

     Chia Fang Hu, originally from Taiwan and now the representative director for PepsiCo Japan Co., said, “My professor told me I have to speak up for myself because I’m in the minority – a female and a foreigner. Being a minority was not easy, but being a female minority made me unique.”

     She encouraged conference participants to “build up confidence, courage and care in order to step up and become successful as female leaders. You should feel good about yourselves and never undermine your strengths. You need the courage to be firm; not necessarily to be tough and fighting back, but to be brave to express your opinions in a positive way,” she said.

     The five plenary sessions – with titles such as “Women Taking the Next Step,” “The Global Picture – What’s Going on?” “The Future of Work – Where do we Want to be Working?” “How are Women Creating Their Future?” and “Realizing You” – featured senior business leaders, academics and entrepreneurs who presented cutting-edge information on best-practice gender equality, working trends, career transitions, leadership development and work-life balance.

     Sessions in the two-day workshop series focused on increasing self-awareness, changing self-limiting attitudes, developing confidence and gaining new skills and different behaviors. The goal is to support attendees in recognizing the path to growth, the next steps to take and the positive impact on future self-leadership.

“Build up confidence, courage and care in order to step up and become successful as a female leader.”

Stories, Songs and Other Conference Highlights

     The opportunity to hear the stories of women and men from all over the world offered different perspectives on challenges that companies face as well as potential solutions to some of the most pressing issues that women find in the workplace. The sessions also revealed the many ways in which women are now achieving great success in Japan as they support other women along the way.

     One of the high points of the WIN Conference was the series of interactive and practical workshops covering topics such as “Managing up for Career Success,” “Authenticity...The New Smart” and “Feminine Leadership in Action.”

     In the “Discover Your Strengths” workshop participants explored three unique yet integrated views of each individual – “the Underlying you, the Everyday you and the Overextended you.” Mireille Watanabe took the group on a step-by-step personal development journey showing them how to power up their career and enhance their relationships by making the most of their natural strengths.

     In “Showing up Like a Leader,” actress Keiko Katsukura shared acting techniques to demonstrate how to look more confident and self-assured as women leaders.

     The conference focused not only on business leaders – writers, NPO representatives, journalists, community networkers, artists, actresses, martial arts specialists and musicians also took part. This year participants watched Aikido performers, a violinist and a talented young female band (Harp & Soul, an indie/pop girlband) before being urged, on the second day, to join in “Dancing The Five Elements” with Indian consultant, Nilima Bhat.









     2日間にわたるワークショップのセッションでは、自己認識を高め自己を規制する態度を変えること、自信を高め新しい技術や今までとは違った態度を身につけることに焦点を当てた。このセッシ ョンの目標は、成長への道筋や取るべき次のステップ、将来の自己によるリーダーシップに関するポジティブなインパクトを認識するよう参加者たちを支援することだった。




     WINコンファレンスの見どころの一つは、「将来へ向けてのキ ャリア構築とその活かし方」「“本物”であること・・・ニュースマート」「アクションにおける女性のリーダーシップ」といったトピックを扱うインタラクティブで実践的な一連のワークショップだった。


     ミレイユ・ワタナベ氏は、いかにして自分たちのキャリアをパワ ーアップさせ、女性たちの自然な力を最大限引き出すことで自分たちの関係をいかに高めるかを示す、ステップごとの個人的な発展を実現する旅にいざなった。


     この会議はビジネスリーダーにだけ焦点を当てたのではなく、作家や非営利組織(NPO)代表、ジャーナリストやコミュニティーネ ットワーク関係者、アーティストや女優、武道家や音楽家らも参加した。今年の参加者は会議2日目に、インド人コンサルタントのニリマ・バット氏と一緒に「5つのエレメントを踊る」という催しに参加するよう促される前にも、合気道の演武やバイオリン演奏、そして才能あふれる若い女性バンド(Harp & Soul, an indie/pop girl-band)の演奏を堪能したのだった。  



Elizabeth Handover is president of Intrapersona K.K. and a Lumina Learning partner for Asia. She is co-chair of the ACCJ Women in Business Committee, co-founder of the Women's Leadership Development Centre and special adviser to the Global WIN Conference.


エリザベス・ハンドーヴァー イントラペルソ ナKKの社長であり、ルミナラーニングのアジア 地域パートナー。彼女はACCJウィメン・イン・ ビジネス・コミティーの共同代表であり、ウィメ ンズ・リーダーシップ・ディベロップメント・セ ンターの共同創始者、またグローバルWINコ ンファレンスの特別顧問でもある。


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