Editor's Note | エディターズノート

The point is to change it. |

Hilda Rosca Narte | ヒルダ・ロスカ・ナルテア

Originally written in English

Accenture CEO Pierre Nanterme likens today's change process in organizations to an ocean voyage that can’t be done with just a single boat anymore, but rather with a fleet of speedboats hurtling through different speeds and toward different directions.

If the description sounds like a glossy adventure film, that’s because there has always been an element of thrill and allure about championing change. The concept of change comes with a lot of glamour – breaking new ground, conquering new territories, creating disruptions to the status quo, and ushering in a fresh, new, hopefully better chapter.

The question now is not whether change is happening or even how you can deal with it – but how to instigate it.

In reality, however, change is hard because it’s a lot messier than it seems. Change is challenging whether it's small and personal, or as big and complex as the case would be in a business organization. It’s rare for change to happen in a linear path, its story told through a neat chart or a catchy before-and-after picture.

Companies have no choice but to face this reality, especially in today’s fast-shifting environment where movement happens even when you’re not moving at all. While some business leaders remain to be singularly focused on seeking stability, many others are declaring that long-term predictability is now obsolete. The question now is not whether change is happening or even how you can deal with it – but how to instigate it.

And that’s where the difficult work begins. You can have the best laid-out, most well-intentioned plans. You may have invested in sophisticated tools and systems. But without the right strategy for managing people – the very core and the why behind your change process – then you won’t be able to achieve significant and meaningful progress. That’s why HR plays such a vital role in any change program.

As always, it’s this level of real-world, hands-on change work that this issue of The HR Agenda delves into.

Nimalan Nadesalingam in his editorial tackles the crucial position of HR as change management champions, and discusses whether it’s time for Japanese corporations to approach change through a revolutionary rather than evolutionary approach.

Tove Kinooka shares an incisive framework on how to initiate change in a multinational business environment in a way that weaves together the various perspectives of the people and cultures involved in the process.

Sindu Sreebhavan puts forward the value of design thinking to guide HR professionals as they become agents of innovation and to help in solving the painful problems that come with change. Likewise, Aon Hewitt details the steps to managing employee engagement as it can be greatly disrupted during a time of change. Ronald MacFarland also provides step-by-step recommendations on how to implement change when there is a group of employees who are decidedly resistant against it.

Meanwhile, Michael Shell interviews Mizuho’s General Manager for Global Talent Acquisition and Development to learn about how traditional organizations roll out change. And we piece together our interviews with the HR leaders of Microsoft Japan, Infosys India and China Evernote to share how these Asian giants are making use of agile performance management systems to build world-class teams.

Our in-house legal and HR experts are also here to discuss specific and unique issues on change management in Japanese companies.

Last but definitely not the least, our Publisher’s Message looks back at the groundbreaking initiatives of JHRS in its first decade of existence while also commemorating the 6th anniversary of The HR Agenda. It’s definitely a fantastic time when we celebrate two organizations that have never been afraid to ask the difficult questions and to question the status quo, and through the years have supported HR professionals on their journey toward harnessing the power of courageous, positive change for the greater good.


アクセンチュア のピエール・ナンテルム CEOは変化のプロセスを、ただ一隻の船で行うことができなくなり、異なったスピードで別々の方角に突っ走るスピードボートの一群で行うようになった遠洋航海に例えている



しかし実際、変化は、そのような魅惑よりも混乱をもたらすので難しい。その変化が小さく個人的なものであれ、会社組織における大規模で複雑なものであれ、変化自体が困難への挑戦である。変化が一本道で起きることはまれである。それは、 形の整った海図や見栄えの良い使用前・使用後の宣伝写真で語られることはまれである



そしていつものごとく、今回の「The HR Agenda」が掘り下げているのは、これら現実社会の実践的な変化に向けた取り組みである


紀ノ岡トーバ氏は、変化のプロセスに関与する人々の 多様な視点と文化を織り込む方法で、多国籍企業環境に おいて、変化をいかに推進するかに関する切れ味鋭いフ レームワークを紹介している。


マイケル・シェル氏は、みずほフィナンシャル・グループのグローバルキャリア 戦略部部長にインタビューし、歴史ある組織がいかにして変化を進めているのかについて聞いた。一方で本誌はマイクロソフトジャパンやインフォシス・インド、中国エバーノートのHRリーダーにもインタビューし、これらアジアの巨大企業が世界水準のチームを作り上げるためにアジャイル・パフォーマンス・マネジメントを利用していることを紹介している


発行人からのメッセージは、ここで最後に取り上げるからと言って決して価値が劣るものではない。「The HR Agenda」の創刊6周年を祝うと共に、JHRS創立以来10年間の画期的なイニシアチブを振り返っている。難しい質問を問うことを恐れず、現状に疑問を投げかけ、何年もの間、大義のため勇敢で肯定的な変化の力をHRプロが身に着けられるように支援してきたこの2つの組織を祝うには絶好の機会と言えるだろう



Hilda Rosca Nartea is editor in chief of The HR AgendaShe heads the content team of a Dubai-based digital agency and is also a content producer for non-profit organizations, having done projects for the United Nations Development Programme under the Philippine Department of Energy. She studied Film and Audio-Visual Communications at the University of the Philippines.


ヒルダ・ロスカ・ナルテア The HR Agenda編集長。ドバイに本拠を置くPRエージェンシーのライティングチーム責任者。そのかたわら、複数のNPO法人のコンテンツプロデューサーを務める。またかつて、フィリピン・エネルギー省のもとで、国連開発計画のいくつかのプロジェプロジェクトを担当したこともある。フィリピン大学で映画視聴覚コミュニケーションを専攻した


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