Editor's Note | エディターズノート

Editor's Note

Hilda Rosca Narte | ヒルダ・ロスカ・ナルテア

4 Steps to Higher Engagement, Performance, and Fulfillment | HRPS Blog

When the stakes are high, high-level engagement saves the day. | リスクが高いときほど、レベルの高いエンゲージメントが窮地を救う。

Originally written in English

     This issue of The HR Agenda was produced in a less-than-ideal situation. I won’t go into details – just that a single misstep, a slight slacking off, or someone putting a level of effort that is just a bit lower than 100 percent would have led to a disaster.

     What made the stakes higher is that this issue comes in both online and print editions. Releasing a print publication is like acting onstage or sending off a dish for a Michelin critic’s review: you have to do it right, because there is no take two. As a friend of mine, an award-winning book designer says, “A book is a book is a book; it remains the gold standard in the circulation of ideas and experiences.” A hardcopy of a magazine, in my book (pun intended), fits into this description.

     So what enabled us – what enables numerous other organizations in even more seriously trying times – to pull it off? Hands down, it’s the team’s high level of engagement that saves the day. Now, what we’ve faced is nothing compared to truly difficult challenges many businesses are dealing with in today’s increasingly competitive global marketplace. But whether you’re enjoying a good day or you’re barely hanging by a thread, what happens is basically the same. You get the best performance from your people if they are in a “positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption” (Schaufeli et al., 2002) – a concrete description for engagement, which can only be achieved if key stakeholders carry the shared responsibility (see our Editorial) of building it.

     Engagement, like many other HR concepts, can easily fall prey to being merely a buzzword. Sure, everyone has some notion that high employee engagement is good for business. Many of us may have even looked up the numbers for confirmation, and they’re actually quite impressive: $450 to $550 billion annual losses due to disengagement, 22 percent higher profitability, 21 percent improved productivity, 10 percent increase in customer ratings, 41 percent fewer quality defects, 48 percent fewer safety incidents and 37 percent less absenteeism due to higher engagement (Gallup, 2013).

     But the content lineup in this issue goes beyond the usual approach – as you would expect from our magazine – of cheerleading for engagement and lamenting its seeming demise among workplaces today. Dr. Dan Harrison’s editorial on shared responsibility provided such fresh insights that it led to the idea of "The Engagement Triumvirate" as conceptualized by Jun Kabigting (see Publisher's Message). M. Tamra Chandler brings her innovative, down-to-earth methodology to detail the actions steps for championing engagement while navigating a world described as VUCA (read the article to find out what this means).

Meanwhile, Kevin Sheridan dispels common myths that block better engagement, while Chuck Csizmar investigates the impact to the team when bad behavior is mishandled. As Modern Survey reveals the key practices of highly engaged companies across the globe, so Ronald McFarland shares what he’s learned about building frontline engagement in Japanese companies. Our in-house HR and legal experts likewise provide in-depth perspectives on engagement issues specific to the Japanese workplace and culture.

     Continuing the triumvirate theme, we are also so happy to have three The HR Agenda long-timers writing for this issue. Engagement is linked to performance reviews and so Marc Cillo reports on a framework that can effectively replace traditional performance reviews. Stephenie Overman delves into the interesting economic relationship between Japan and India. And we welcome back former editor-in-chief Annette Karseras as she tells us about WINConference Tokyo 2016 and share the best highlights of her interview with founder Kristin Engvig.

     This issue is going to be a long read and, just like our previous releases, will be something you might need to read in more than one sitting; it will be useful for guidance and reference in the future. But it can’t provide a complete or comprehensive or even slightly inclusive view of workplace engagement – nothing can.

     As we’ve learned both from making and reading this issue, to truly understand the importance of engagement you need not see it as an abstract concept or a trendy buzzword – but as a means of survival. In a situation where a team needs just one last chance to make it good, having people who will do what needs to be done (and more) because they genuinely want to do it and they take pride in being able to, will save the business. But improving engagement can be messy because of people. And it can only be successful and rewarding because of the same reason that makes it difficult: people. Once companies understand this beautiful contradiction the real work of building engagement can truly begin.






     しかし本号記事のラインナップは、皆さんが「The HR Agenda」に予想しているかも知れない、エンゲージメントを応援しつつ、今日の職場の現状を嘆く通常のアプローチを超えるものダン・ハリソン博士の共同責任に関する論説は、カビッティン・順が概念化した「エンゲージメントの三立役者」という考え方につながる斬新な洞察を提供している。タムラ・チャンドラー氏は、VUCA(これが何を意味するかについては記事を参照のこと)な現代のビジネス界で、エンゲージメントを擁護する具体的な取り組みとして、革新的で現実的な方法論を提起している


     三立役者のテーマに絡めて言えば、「The HR Agenda」に長年携わってきた3名が記事を寄せたことも喜ばしいことである。エンゲージメントは人事考課と切っても切り離せないので、マーク・シリョは従来の人事考課に代わる効果的なフレームワークについて報告している。ステファニー・オーバーマンは日本とインドとの間の興味深い経済協力関係について掘り下げている。そして前の編集長アネット・カセラスが戻ってきたことも歓迎したい。彼女は今年の「W.I.Nジャパン・コンファレンス」の報告と、創設者クリスティン・エンヴィッグ氏へのインタビューのハイライトを伝えている。





Hilda Rosca Nartea is editor in chief of The HR AgendaShe heads the content team of a Dubai-based digital agency and is also a content producer for non-profit organizations, having done projects for the United Nations Development Programme under the Philippine Department of Energy. She studied Film and Audio-Visual Communications at the University of the Philippines.


ヒルダ・ロスカ・ナルテア The HR Agenda編集長。ドバイに本拠を置くPRエージェンシーのライティングチーム責任者。そのかたわら、複数のNPO法人のコンテンツプロデューサーを務める。またかつて、フィリピン・エネルギー省のもとで、国連開発計画のいくつかのプロジェプロジェクトを担当したこともある。フィリピン大学で映画視聴覚コミュニケーションを専攻した


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