Publisher's Message | 発行人からのメッセージ

ALL FOR HR, HR FOR ALL: The HR Agenda Triumvirate |


「The HR Agenda」の三立役者

Jun Kabigting, MBA/MS/SPHRi | カビッティン・順 MBA/MS/SPHRi 

The HR Agenda Triumvirate: Working Together for HR’s Goals | 「The HR Agenda」の三立役者 HR目標達成のための協働

Originally written in English

     When I was in high school, one of my favorite subjects was world history. One of the topics that truly enthralled me was the rise and fall of the Roman Empire where I first learned about The First Triumvirate — an unofficial, some say unholy, political alliance amongst three prominent Roman politicians, (triumvirs) namely Julius Caesar, Pompey the Great and Marcus Licinius Crassus. The alliance was borne out of the desire to wield power and fortune that was best done by combining their power, influence and wealth that none of the triumvirs could do on their own. In a way, it was an earliest form of the “1+1=3” or synergy concept that we now know works best in practically all aspects of life, politics and business.

     Another favorite subject of mine was arts and literature, in particular the European classics such as William Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet” and “The Merchant of Venice,” Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales” and Alexander Dumas’ “The Three Musketeers,” to name a few. Studying these great works of literature certainly helped me balance the science and math subjects that a preengineering high school student had to live with on a day-to-day basis.

     Little had I known that 30 years down the road, I would revisit again the lessons I learned from these classics and historical events, and write an article out of them on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of The HR Agenda — the first and only bilingual HR magazine in Japan since 2011.

     This anniversary issue of The HR Agenda focuses on the theme of Employee Engagement — a workplace topic that according to numerous research and surveys has remained in the Top 3 issues that keep HR professionals awake at night.

     Why is employee engagement so hard to achieve? How is engagement achieved in the first place? Who is responsible for engagement anyway?

     These are some of the questions that this issue aims to address, not necessarily to provide you, our loyal readers, with the “correct answers” but to give some insights and perspectives that we hope will guide you and your organizations to achieve that highly elusive goal of workplace engagement.

     In the last five years, The HR Agenda has remained committed to its editorial mission: To facilitate the exchange of up-to-date and relevant knowledge, information and resources affecting and influencing human resources (HR) professionals in Japan, and to become a bridge between Japanese and non-Japanese HR management systems so that we can facilitate the exchange of information and HR best practices, standards, and HR body of knowledge.

     At The HR Agenda, we don’t just write about HR stuff for the sake of writing. If you are looking for feel-good articles about HR management in Japan and the world, look elsewhere. The HR Agenda has defined and raised the bar of HR journalism in Japan by presenting to our readers thought-provoking and even avant garde HR management concepts and practices worldwide and addressing how they can be applied to Japan and vice versa. We have challenged the status quo and provided alternative thinking from respected HR subject matter experts and key HR opinion leaders within and outside of Japan.

     For example, in this issue, our concept of engagement may sound radical to some — that engagement is first and foremost a shared responsibility of employees, supervisors and executives. In addition, as you may read from our Editorial, engagement should be initiated by the employee. The employee should know what engages him in the first place and how these can be aligned to the company’s goals, so that the employer can respond accordingly to engage him at work. It’s not the other way around. We also have articles that debunk commonly held myths about employee engagement, show how to create a culture of engagement, advise how to build frontline engagement, and more.

     As we continue to publish this groundbreaking platform for Japan-focused HR professionals, we again invite everyone to become part of this undertaking and form part of The HR Agenda Triumvirate: the Readers/ Contributors, the Advertisers/Sponsors, and The HR Agenda/JHRS.

     Contribute your thoughts to us (see Get Published ad below for details). Become a JHRS member. Subscribe to this magazine. Advertise or sponsor any of our JHRS programs or magazine columns. Or simply get in touch with us via and let us know how we are doing. We welcome any comments, feedback or suggestions. Good or bad, we don’t mind. The most important thing is that we can engage HR professionals and readers like you to help us advance the practice of the HR profession in Japan and elsewhere.

     The Three Musketeers’ famous motto is “All for one, one for all.” We, at The HR Agenda, meanwhile say…

     “All for HR, HR for All.”




     それから30年の歳月が経ったとはとても信じられないが、いま私は、こうした古典と歴史的な出来事から学んだ教訓をもう一度思い返すとともに、2011年以来、日本初かつ唯一の2か国語HR専門誌である「The HR Agenda」の創刊5周年を機に、そうした教訓を元に私の考えの一端を披瀝したいと思う。

     今回の「The HR Agenda」5周年記念号のテーマは「従業員のエンゲージメント」である。「エンゲージメント」といえば、HRプロフェッショナルが夜も寝られないほどに頭を悩ます、職場における3つの大問題の1つであることは、これまで無数の研究と調査が如実に示している



     これまでの5年間、「The HR Agenda」はその編集使命を一貫して守ってきた。すなわち、「日本のHRプロフェッショナルに影響を与える最新の知識や情報のやり取りを促進し、世界におけるHR最優良事例や標準を引き上げることで日本と世界のHR管理システムを橋渡しする知識や情報を提供し、日本と日本以外の人材マネジメントシステムを橋渡しして、HRの情報、最優良事例、標準、知識体系のやりとりを促進する」ことである。

     だが「The HR Agenda」の目的は、HRに関する様々なテーマをただ書くために書くということではない。もし読者が、日本と世界のHR管理に関する耳に心地よい記事を求めているのであれば、ほかを探した方がよい。「The HR Agenda」がこれまでに、日本のHRジャーナリズムを定義しその水準を引き上げることができたのも、世界のHR管理に関する刺激的かつ前衛的な概念と実践例を提供するだけでなく、どうすればそれらを日本に(反対に日本のものを海外に)応用することができるかを指摘してきたからといってよい。言い換えれば「The HR Agenda」は現状に挑戦するとともに、HRというテーマに関する評価の高い専門家と、HR分野の主要なオピニオンリーダーの代替案を、広く日本内外から提供することに努めてきたのだ


     私たちは、これからも日本に特化したHRプロフェッショナルのため、この革新的なプラットフォームを発行し続ける中で、皆様がこの取り組みの一員、「The HR Agenda」の三立役者の1人になっていただきたいと願っている。ここでいう三立役者とは、読者・寄稿者”“広告主・スポンサー”“The HR Agenda」・JHRS”の三者を指す。

     あなたの考えをお寄せいただきたい(詳細は下記にある「寄稿のお願い」を参照されたい)。JHRSの会員になっていただきたい。本誌を定期購読いただきたい。また、JHRSのプログラムや雑誌の広告主またはスポンサーになっていただければ嬉しい。あるいは、 を通じて感想をお寄せいただくだけでも有り難い。賛否を問わず、コメント、フィードバック、提案を歓迎する。重要なのは、皆様のようなHRプロフェッショナルと読者に参加いただき、日本内外のHR専門職の実践を前進させていくことである。




Jun Kabigting, MBA, MS, SPHRi| カビッティン・順 MBA/MS/SPHRi


Jun Kabigting is president of HR Central K.K. and an adjunct professor/lecturer with Temple University Japan Campus and GLOBIS Management School. He has more than 25 years of experience across the entire HR value chain, most of them Japan-focused. He has a solid experience as a trainer, HR consultant, and talent acquisition professional. He passionately believes in advancing the HR agenda in Japan through continuing HR education, knowledge sharing and use of HR best practices

カビッティン・順 「 エイチアールセントラル株式会社」代表取締役、「テンプル大学日本校」と「グロービス・マネジメント・スクール」の非常勤講師。HRのバリューチェーン全体を通じた経験は25年以上。その大部分が日本に特化したもの。トレーナー、HRコンサルタント、人材獲得専門家としての確固たる経験を持つ。HR教育、知識共有、HR最優良事例実践の継続を通して、日本のHRの課題が前進すると信じ、情熱を持って取り組んでいる。                                                     


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