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  • 29 Apr 2022 11:41 | JHRS (Administrator)

    TUJ Continuing Education

    LinkedIn Course Schedules Certificates

    Application Deadline Coming Soon...
    Don't Miss Out!



    Only a couple of weeks left until the registration deadline for May courses. Although we will still accept applications after the official registration deadline, we highly recommend that you secure your seat as early as possible so that we can start setting up your Temple University account for the summer semester well in advance.

    On the registration site, you can narrow down your course selections by choosing 'Location: Online or Tokyo (on-campus)', 'Days', 'Certificate Programs' and 'Instructors'.

    Courses can also be located by categories for improving your Japanese or English, developing skills you can immediately apply at work, or enriching your life by exploring an area of personal interest.

    Considering several courses to choose from? You can request for a syllabus by email (contedinfo@tuj.temple.edu).

    View the Summer 2022 Courses
  • 08 Jul 2021 16:28 | JHRS (Administrator)
    Facebook LinkedIn Course Schedules Certificates

    We have several big upcoming developments at TUJ Continuing Education. I am writing today to update you on a few of them.


    New Registration Site


    From July, we will launch a brand-new and improved online course catalog and registration system.

    It will be easier than ever to find and register for courses that fit your interests and schedule. We are also updating our program structure, so things will look a little different. If you can't find exactly what you are looking for, as always, we are available to help.

    With the new site, you will have your own account to save interested courses, request notifications when courses open, view your past registration history, and more. More information coming soon on how to access your account.

    We want to make sure the new site is as easy as possible to use, and are looking for volunteers to help test and provide feedback. If you have a few minutes to spare, please sign up here to volunteer:

    Help test the new site

    Updates to Tuition Discounts


    From the upcoming Fall semester, we are simplifying and updating tuition discounts.

    Throughout the pandemic we have offered 5000 yen off all online courses. As online courses become a permanent part of the program, moving forward, courses intended for online delivery will require standard tuition fees. However, if a course scheduled to be on-campus unexpectedly shifts to remote delivery, the reduction still applies.

    We are revamping our refer-a-friend campaign. When referring a friend or relative who has never taken a TUJ Continuing Education course, each of you will receive 3500-yen off your next course. Referring multiple friends adds up to big savings!


    Discounts for Friends of TUJ, and Temple University degree program students, alumni and parents will also be streamlined and updated. Stay tuned for further details. 


    More Flexible Learning Options


    With our recent move to new campus facilities and the introduction of online learning options, we are rethinking how we deliver you the highest quality and most convenient learning experiences.


    Many have requested more online offerings while others have expressed a strong preference for on-campus courses. To strike the right balance and offer classes when and how you want them, we ask your help in completing this brief 7-minute survey on your opinions and preferences related to course formats and schedules.

    Share your preferences
    We are committed to our continuous improvement so that that we can best support yours. Thank you for choosing TUJ as your lifelong learning partner.


    Justin S Sanders, PhD
    Director, Continuing Education
    Temple University, Japan Campus

    Have questions?


    Our advising team is happy to help in English or Japanese. Don't hesitate to contact us!

    Contact Us
  • 06 Dec 2019 16:05 | JHRS (Administrator)

    Course details:
    The key to business success in the 21st century is Management Agility - the ability to effectively respond and adapt to a dynamic and uncertain business environment. Developing the capabilities to accomplish this requires you to fundamentally reshape your understanding of leadership and management, in order to acquire the new skills needed to lead people and manage operations in a rapidly-changing world. Agile management is disruptive with a purpose - and challenges the old way of how organizations operate and how you work individually. A major shift is already taking place among global corporations, which are increasingly transforming themselves into agile organizations to remain competitive and succeed. To embrace the agile workplace and enable the creation of an unprecedented productive environment, you need to adopt a new way of looking at priorities and failure. Through interactive discussion, group work, case study and lecturing, this course provides an essential understanding of agile management and agile organizations - and the personal mind-set, behaviours and skills needed as an agile leader who drives results in an uncertain and dynamic environment. Participants will become more aware of their own personal characteristics, and walk away with a roadmap for becoming a successful agile leader.

    Day/Time: Wednesday, 19:10-21:00
    Start Date: 2020/01/22
    Hours: 20
    Instructor: Norman Grant
    Location: Tokyo (Maps & Directions)
    Language of Instruction: English


  • 06 Dec 2019 15:59 | JHRS (Administrator)

    Course details:
    Sending staff on overseas assignments is a growing need for organizations wishing to become players in the global economy. Benefits include gaining a foothold in new markets, strengthening presence in existing markets, and bringing in new perspectives and cultural competence. However, training leadership, managerial and operational staff for overseas assignments is a complex task. This practical course is designed to help attendees better understand the employee relocation process, gain awareness of the best expatriate management trends and practices, and build an international assignment program that reflects the organization's needs. Incorporating lectures, discussions, and practical role plays, this course is best suited for human resources personnel, regional managers, and those who have been or hope to be chosen for foreign assignments.

    Day/Time:Tuesday, 19:40-21:30
    Start Date:2020/01/21
    Norman Grant
    Location:Tokyo (Maps & Directions)Language of


  • 19 Mar 2019 16:17 | JHRS (Administrator)

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    Summer 2019 "Early-Bird" Registration is Now Open!

    15% Early-bird discount image

    Early-Bird registration for Summer semester has opened! With this discount, you get 15% off on fees for any courses you register for Summer 2019 by April 18 and complete your payment by April 19. Don’t miss this chance! We offer an exciting array of courses in art, business, law, education, IT, and communications that help you meet your aspirations and enhance your career.

    • Applications must be received by 23:59(JST), April 18.
    • Payment must be completed by April 19.

    Check Out the Courses


    New Courses

    Basic Statistics Using Python and R (PYR102)

    Thanks to IT innovation, one of the key hot trends nowadays is about increasing data volume, computer speed, and Internet. Furthermore, since we live in the 3rd AI innovation era, you will see more AI applications in all business areas where knowledge and skills for AI are expected. Statistics is a core component in AI and the understanding of the concept of statistics and methodology is essential in the practical applications of AI. This course is the second level of the AI series of courses using Python and R. The objective of this course is to learn...

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    SDGs: Issues in Sustainable Development (8 Weeks) (SDG101)

    The course is for anyone wanting to develop a more critical understanding and awareness of current issues in international and sustainable development. Class participants will investigate core issues facing global society and their relationship with other issues. Using interactive methods with a wide array of online readings, class discussions, group work and final presentations, the class will help participants learn more about...

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    Return to the 100 Acre Wood (LIN104)

    In this companion course to LIN103, we will address four broad areas with reference to Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and their friends. After an overview of the challenging task of psychological measurement, we will address the nature of change (e.g., in age or location) as it pertains to language acquisition. Thereafter we will examine such language aspects as the critical period hypothesis, child language acquisition, and the nature of polyglots (speakers of several languages). The final unit will include practical cognitive facets such as memory enhancement and the benefits of 'possible selves'. This course is intended for...

    Read More »


    Academic Calendar & Semester Dates


    See Academic Calendar


    ContEd on Social Media

    Facebook Logo Line Logo Linkedin Logo

  • 22 Nov 2018 17:44 | JHRS (Administrator)

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    December Workshops and Seminars are Just Around the Corner

    workshop and seminar image
    Featured Workshops:
    See Workshops


    Our LinkedIn School Account!

    Linkedin logo

    We opened a new LinkedIn account. You can now include the certificates and courses you have taken at TUJ in your profile!

    Visit LinkedIn


    ContEd on Social Media



  • 16 Aug 2018 14:56 | JHRS (Administrator)


    締め切り: 8/20(月)


    Early-Bird Ends on August 20

    Apply Today and Get 15% OFF!!



    Five more days before the Early-Bird registration deadline!
    Register for your course(s) and make full payment by August 20. You can take advantage of this special discount.






    Check out our Courses!

    Don't miss out on this opportunity!

    If you complete the payment by the Early-Bird deadline, you can receive the same discount for additional classes within the same semester!

    *You may change your course registration before the second class meeting.


    英語レベルチェックテストで腕試し!(無料: 8月18日、8月30日、9月8日)

    (無料: 9月8日)

    日本語で行われるミニ説明会(無料: 8月18日)、受講相談(随時)もあります。


    Meet our instructors and find out more about "Cont. Ed."

    Information Session (September 8)

    English Placement Test (August 18, 30 & September 8)


    秋学期に「日本美術を楽しむ(8週間のコース)」を担当する春原陽子先生のインタビューがEnglish Journal 9月号に掲載されました。美術コラムニストとして活躍する先生と一緒に、奥深い日本美術の世界を探求してみませんか。



    Interview with Yoko Haruhara, an art columnist for the Japan Times

    Instructor Yoko Haruhara and her course "World of Japanese Art" are featured in the September issue of English Journal. Join her in a chronological journey through the development of Japanese art from the Edo period to the present.

    Click here for the interview article




    "Like" us on Facebook!

    We will keep you informed of recent news, campaigns and upcoming events. Become our fan on Facebook!



    LINEで生涯教育とつながろう! 友だち登録すると・・・ゆるキャラ登場?!


    Have a smartphone?

    Add "TUJ Continuing Education" (テンプル大学 生涯教育プログラム) to your LINE friends!

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  • 17 Jul 2018 19:32 | JHRS (Administrator)

    Fall 2018 Applications Open!





    An exciting array of courses in art, business, law, education, IT, and communications to help you meet your aspirations and enhance your career!

    Check out our Courses!




    When do classes start?

    Find out here: Calendar for Fall 2018!






    New class photos are available on our website!

    Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology is now added to our certificate programs.




    "Like" us on Facebook!

    We will keep you informed of recent news, campaigns and upcoming events. Become our fan on Facebook!



    LINEで生涯教育とつながろう! 友だち登録すると・・・ゆるキャラ登場?!


    Have a smartphone?

    Add "TUJ Continuing Education" (テンプル大学 生涯教育プログラム) to your LINE friends!

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  • 15 Mar 2018 13:00 | JHRS (Administrator)

    Summer 2018 Applications Open!





    An exciting array of courses in art, business, law, education, IT, and communications to help you meet your aspirations and enhance your career!

    Check out our Courses!




    アート・オブ・ラフター:英語で学ぶコメディ (AOL101-SP)

    自信を持って話すコツ (SWC101-SP)

    アサーティブネス・スキルアップ・セミナー (ASW101-SP)


    法律文書作成法:説得できる文書作成術 (PLW101-SP)

    ポジティブ心理学 (PSY104-SP)


    ツーリズム促進に向けた効果的なマーケティング (EMT101-SP)

    真の「おもてなし」:日本の観光業におけるインバウンドブーム活用法 (FCS101-SP)

    広告翻訳 (ADT101-SP)

    »» まだまだあります!


    Biz Wiz gives you quick skills for April (Spring 2018)...

    We offer a variety of new seminars and workshops in April for those who have a passion for learning. Apply Now!

    PMS 2.0: Agile and Rating-free Performance Management (PMS200-SP)

    Financial Literacy (FNL101-SP)

    Coaching Skills for Managers, Team Leaders, and Self (COA101-SP)

    Workplace Communication Techniques (WCT101-SP)

    Introduction to Real Estate Investment Principles (REI102-SP)

    Project Management Practical Applications (BPM103-SP)

    Basic Typography Skills (TYP001-SP)

    »» … And More!





    When do classes start?

    Find out here: Calendar for Summer 2018!




    "Like" us on Facebook!

    We will keep you informed of recent news, campaigns and upcoming events. Become our fan on Facebook!



    LINEで生涯教育とつながろう! 友だち登録すると・・・ゆるキャラ登場?!


    Have a smartphone?

    Add "TUJ Continuing Education" (テンプル大学 生涯教育プログラム) to your LINE friends!

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  • 15 Dec 2017 14:19 | JHRS (Administrator)


    締め切り: 12/18(月)

    Early-Bird Ends on December 18

    Apply Today and Get 15% OFF!!


    Five more days for the Early-Bird registration!
    Register for your course(s) and make full payment by December 18. You can take advantage of this special discount.





    Check out our Courses!

    Don't miss out on this opportunity!

    If you complete the payment by the Early-Bird deadline, you can receive the same discount for additional classes within the same semester!

    *You may change your course registration before the second class meeting.


    英語レベルチェックテストで腕試し!(無料: 12月14日、12月16日、1月13日)

    (無料: 1月13日)

    (無料: 12月16日)

    Meet our instructors and find out more about "Cont. Ed."

    Information Session (January 13)

    English Placement Test (Dec. 14, 16 & Jan. 13)



    »» 今週末開催のセミナー・ワークショップ(2017年秋学期)

    It's Not Too Late!

    Spaces are still available for seminars and workshops on December 16 and 17. We accept applications till the day of workshops, so hurry if you are interested!

    »» Seminars and Workshops on Dec. 16 & 17 (Fall 2017)



    "Like" us on Facebook!

    We will keep you informed of recent news, campaigns and upcoming events. Become our fan on Facebook!


    LINEで生涯教育とつながろう! 友だち登録すると・・・ゆるキャラ登場?!

    Have a smartphone?

    Add "TUJ Continuing Education" (テンプル大学 生涯教育プログラム) to your LINE friends!

    Add Friends


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