About Andrew & Yoshi

Executive Coach & Sr. Consultant, SudaManterfield

Andrew has an innate belief in people and their desire and ability to achieve more. His purpose is to find the greatness in every person he meets and to ensure that greatness lives and breathes everyday and is fulfilled.

He has worked in the global FMCG industry for over 27 years for Diageo Plc, the worlds biggest adult drinks company.  Andrew has over 10 years Director level experience in both Human Resources and Sales; he has lived and worked in Japan, Australia and the UK and he has worked with organisations across Asia, Latin America and Africa,

Andrew has a unique breadth and depth of knowledge in the areas of building high performing businesses; organisation change; capability development, talent/leadership development, coaching and building employee engagement.

With an inspiring style and an ability to communicate simply, both one to one or to an audience, Andrew uses his experience, of building high performing and enjoyable places to work, to coach and support people to fulfill and achieve their true greatness as well the greatness of the people they work with.

Ask Andrew.
松 井 義 治
HPOクリエーション 代表取締役社長





Ask Yoshi.

President, HPO Creation, Inc.

Yoshi specializes in leadership and organization development leveraging his more than 12 years of marketing experience and 12 years of HR/OD experience. He provides executive coaching, leadership development, organizational change, and marketing & sales development to help clients strengthen their business performance, organizational health & employee engagement.

Yoshi started his marketing career at Richardson Vicks -Japan and later on with Procter & Gamble, Fareast Inc. He then moved to Human Resources/Organization Development career at P&G where he served as Corporate Training Group Manager, HR Director for P&G Taiwan, and Talent and Organization Development Leader for Northeast Asia.

After P&G, he joined Nortel Networks and Levi Strauss, as HR Director, especially in terms of leading several organizational changes, BPR and globalizing HR policy & reward system.

He has a BA in Intercultural Communication from Kita-Kyushu University  and an MBA from Northwest Missouri State University. He has earned his doctoral degree in Organization Change at Pepperdine University.

Ask Yoshi.

アンドリュー マンターフィールド



マンターフィールド氏は「ギネス®」「キルケニー®」および「スミノフ アイス®」等のブランドを所有する英酒類大手ディアジオ社での27年にわたる輝かしいキャリアの持ち主です。10年以上におよぶ人事部門そしてセールス部門での管理職在任中には、日本、オーストラリアそしてイギリスでの駐在をはじめ、アジア、ラテンアメリカそしてアフリカ地域を奔走し、当該地域における社の発展に貢献しました。その中で、マンターフィールド氏はアジアの文化、特に日本の文化を背景とした日本特有の雇用問題や企業における問題などを深く理解するようになりました。



Ask Andrew.

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