Editor's Note | エディターズノート

Editor's Note | エディターズノート

Atley Jonas | ヨナシュ・アトリ

Originally written in English

     Growing up, our family would go skiing pretty much every winter, and I learned to ski when I was still very young. I’m told by my parents that I was three when they first strapped a pair of skis to my legs, so by the time I got to the double-digit ages, I was pretty confident on the slopes, and felt that there wasn’t too much that I couldn’t do well by that point.

     So one season, I was not just a little shocked and dismayed when my father told that he wanted to enroll me in ski school (again, like I had in years past). But at that rebellious age, I was getting to the point where I knew everything, and certainly more than the old man, so I told him as much.

      “Ski school? What do I need ski school for? I know how to ski. I can ski better than you now.”

     To which he replied, “Look. No one argues that you know how to ski. Of course you do. But you can always learn more. You can always improve your skills, and you can always learn new things. Just think about Olympic skiers. When you watch them on TV, the difference between gold medal and fourth place is often a few hundredths of a second. Every single professional skier has a coach. In fact, they usually have several. And that coach’s job is NOT to teach those guys how to ski. It’s to help them tweak their performance. It’s to analyze their techniques and make them faster and better. In fact, I would say that it’s really the best athletes that need coaching. Not the beginners.”

     That made a lot of sense to me at the time, and it still does. While coaches often do engage in teaching, that’s not their primary role. The coach takes those qualities and skills that are already there and makes them that much better. Consider this: coaching is so important to some sports, that in the U.S., the highest paid public employee in just about each of the 50 states, is either a football coach, or a basketball coach. (Only in a few states, are the top-paid jobs taken by a college president or medical school dean). The reason for that is clear! A good coach leads a team to victory, and does so consistently. The coach is the one who helps transform just another excellent performer into a world-class champion.

     Somewhere, unfortunately, it seems that there has been a loss in translation. It has entered into some people’s vernacular that coaching is somehow for companies or departments that are weak or broken. They’ve somehow come to the odd conclusion that employee coaching is meant for those who are disengaged, don’t enjoy their jobs, risk leaving the company to go elsewhere, or whose departments are somehow otherwise dysfunctional.

     And while coaching can certainly help with all of those things, as Brent Conkle so astutely points out in his OpEd piece later on in this issue, the real lesson comes from professional athletes. It’s not those who are just learning how to do something who need coaches. That’s more the job of instructors, teachers, trainers or facilitators. Coaching is taking the skills that are already there, and showing people how to transform them from being merely serviceable into something incredibly amazing. It’s the strong performers, the high achievers, the ambitious ones who benefit the most from coaching!

     When we announced that the topic for the upcoming issue of The HR Agenda was employee coaching and mentoring, we really didn’t expect the overwhelming response that we did, from a wide variety of experts in the field. Coaches, consulting companies, HR professionals... It’s clear that there is a high level of interest in this domain, especially in Japan. There is an intense need for talented coaches. Whether it’s rebuilding or repairing something that a company is having difficulties with, or bringing them to the next level of excellence, any organization that takes pride in having a strong triple bottom line will have some kind of coaching or mentoring program in place to make that happen.

     In this issue, look forward to some amazing insights into the world of coaching and mentoring, as presented by some of the leaders in the profession. The articles have been written by a wide array of experts, many of whom have built very successful coaching models and have gone on to work with some of the world’s most recognizable and well-known companies and brands. Many of these coaches, along with the companies they represent, are members of the International Coach Federation (ICF), a professional association and accreditation body, whose goal is to lead the advancement of the coaching profession and “to see humanity flourish through coaching.” The Japanese chapter of the organization, ICF Japan, is also an active promoter and sponsor of the The HR Agenda and The Japan HR Society (JHRS).




     「スキー学校? 何のためにスキー学校に行くの? スキーの仕方はもう知っているし、今ではお父さんよりもボクの方がうまいよ」。





     「The HR Agenda」本号のテーマを「従業員に対するコーチングとメンタリング」とすると告知した際、私たちは、コーチ、コンサルティング会社、HRの専門家など、この分野におけるさまざまな専門家からこれほどまでの反響があるとは予想していなかった。このことは、この分野において、とりわけ日本において高いレベルの関心があること、くわえて能力のあるコーチに対するニーズがあることを物語っている。企業が抱える問題を再構築するためか、あるいはそれを修復するためか、あるいはまた、そうした問題を次のレベルの卓越性に引き上げるためか、その目的は何であれ、強力な「トリプルボトムライン」(企業活動を経済面のみならず社会面および環境面からも評価しようとする考え方)を実践しようとする企業は、適時適切な機会におけるコーチングあるいはメンタリングのプログラムを導入していくに違いない。

     本号において私たちは、この分野におけるリーダーによる、コーチングとメンタリングに関する刮目すべき洞察を紹介している。それらの記事は、多様な専門家によって書かれたものである。その多くはきわめて効果的なコーチングモデルを確立し、また世界でも最も評価の高い、著名な企業やブランドのために活動してきた人たちである。そうしたコーチたちの多くは、彼らが属する企業とならんで、「国際コーチ連盟(ICF」のメンバーである。ICFはコーチのための職業団体・認定機関であり、コーチングという専門職の発展をリードし、かつ「コーチングを通じて人類の繁栄に貢献する」ことをその目標にしている。ICFの日本支部である「ICFジャパン」は本誌とThe Japan HR SocietyJHRS)の積極的な支援・協力団体であることも申し上げておく



Atley Jonas joined The HR Agenda team as editor in chief, in 2014. He has a Master’s in business administration, and spent 11 years living and working in Japan. He actively writes and edits for a number of U.S. and global business publications, while also pursuing several entrepreneurial ventures.


ヨナシュ・アトリ 2014年に編集長として 「The HR Agenda」に加わった。経営学修士 号(MBA)を持ち、日本に11年間生活した経験 がある。また、いくつかの米国および世界のビ ジネス誌にライター・編集者として参加するか たわら、数々の起業ベンチャーにも携わってい る。


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