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JHRS’ New Year ShinNenKai 新年会 and
Panel Discussion on HR Business Partnering |


The HR Agenda

Originally written in English

      “When companies outsource [HR], this very integral part of the organization, they risk losing knowledge of business, proactivity and the most important developmental function of the company,” Kevin Reynolds told participants at the 5th Japan HR Society (JHRS) ShinNenKai 新年会 (New Year Party).

     Reynolds, HR director for Intel Japan, who took part in The HR Agenda: HR Business Partnering panel discussion, addressed the questions: Why do we need HR? Why not simply outsource everything to external business partners?

     Another panelist, Rubens Pessanha, a global market researcher at the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI), responded to the same question with a comparison between perceptions of HR and accounting. According to Pessanha, Googling “Why do we need HR?” generates over 250 million links. By contrast, “Why do we need accountants?” generates only 4 million. It seems the question, “Why HR?” is one everyone is talking about. Given the sheer amount of information currently being exchanged on HR, the profession’s youthfulness and its potential to develop, HR is very important for a company to nurture and should not be outsourced, argued Pessanha.

     Another critical aspect of the discussion centered in on the fact that because HR activities can be harder to measure (than, say, accountants) their value and impact is difficult to assess, making success in the eyes of their business partners equally elusive to achieve.

     However, panelist Yumiko Shito, vice president of corporate services at Morgan Stanley Japan, was not at all daunted by the intangible aspects of HR’s work. She told the audience that HR professionals offer a unique skill set. This includes the soft skills critical for facilitating the culture changes that must occur in order for businesses to grow globally, Yumiko Shito suggested. For example, HR professionals serve as a bridge between management and employees. Managers themselves must focus primarily on their own specific business targets. If the roles of HR were outsourced, businesses would lose professionals able to mentor and develop people skills such as understanding diversity, enhancing communication skills and creating a climate of multiculturalism across the organization as a whole.

      “The number of attendees rose 20 percent from last year’s ShinNenKai 新年会 event.”

     More than 70 company executives, representatives and members of the HR world attended this gathering, sumptuously hosted at the ANA InterContinental Hotel in Tokyo, Feb 1, 2013. The number of attendees rose 20 percent from last year’s ShinNenKai 新 年会 event. Participants included representatives from progressive companies large and small, from Japan and overseas, that are making an impact in the world of human resources such as Amazon, KPMG, Leverage, Japan Talent Pool and Catalyst.

     Amongst the various awards and recognitions that followed the panel, was the first group of HR Management Professionals (HRMPs) and HR Business Professionals (HRBPs). Individuals newly certified by the HRCI were invited up on stage and received a warm round of applause for their achievement in earning these internationally recognized credentials. For more on credentialing and HRCI’s partnership with the JHRS see The HR Agenda: Diversity & Inclusion.



     インテル日本支社のHR部長を務めるレイノルズ氏はThe HR Agenda:HRビジネスパートナリングのパネルディスカッションに参加し、「 なぜわれわれはHRが必要なのか。どうして単純に、すべてを外部のビジネス・パートナーに外注に出さないのか。」との質問に答えたものだ。






     201321日に東京のANAインターコンチネンタルホテルで開催された、この豪華な集まりには70社以上の経営幹部、代表、HR担当者らが参加した。この新年会イベントの参加者数は昨年に比べ20 %増えた。


     パネルディスカッションに引き続き行われた様々な賞と表彰には、HRマネージメント・プロフェッショナルズ(HRMPs)とHRビジネス・プロフェッショナルズ(HRBPs)の最初の合格者グル―プが含まれていた。HRCIによって新たに認定された個人らはステージに呼ばれ、これらの国際的に認知されている資格を得た彼らの実績に対し暖かい拍手が送られた。この資格とHRCIとJRHSのパ ートナーシップに関する情報をもっと知りたい方はThe HR Agenda 201210-12月号4-7を参照ください。



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