Publisher's Message | 発行人からのメッセージ

Passing the Baton: A Message of Thanks and Moving Forward  |
バトンタッチ 感謝と前進のメッセージ

Jun Kabigting, MBA/MS/SPHRi | カビッティン・順 MBA/MS/SPHRi 

Here’s to 11 years (and counting) of learning, growing and connecting.| 学び・成長・結びつきのこれまでの11年間(そして、それは続いていく)の始まりは、ここから。

Originally written in English

More than 11 years ago, a bunch of seven individuals got together at a famous steakhouse in Shibuya at the heart of Tokyo and discussed over steaks and beers what was the then state of human resources management (HRM) in Japan. It didn’t take a lot of beers and liquors for everyone to blurt out our “war stories,” frustrations, and bashing about how HR in Japan is years away from its Western counterparts.

However, we didn’t stop there. Come dessert time, we concluded and agreed that we have to do something about the things we were bitching about and became part of the solution itself. It was then that The Japan HR Link Network (JHRL), later renamed as The Japan HR Society (JHRS), came into being.

That day was a turning point because, from that day forward, JHRS began its journey to help advance the practice of the HR profession in Japan. From that day forward, JHRS began publishing a monthly e-newsletter called “The HR Agenda” (which would evolve to become Japan’s first and only bilingual HR magazine in 2011) while continuing the tradition of sending an e-newsletter known as JHRS Bi-Weekly.

From that day forward, JHRS began to organize learning events, seminars and workshops designed to not only serve as networking opportunities but most importantly, as learning opportunities for our members and the broader HR community in Japan and to help them apply those learnings to their careers and workplaces.

From that day forward, JHRS began forging lasting partnerships and relationships with both domestic and international organizations that share our common mission and values of advancing the HR agenda.

From that day forward, JHRS established various advocacy programs such as Green HR, Women in HR, The CEO-HR Forum, and ResponsibleRecruiting and fora such as AskHR and HR Legal Clinic designed to increase member engagement, interaction, and bring forth a sense of community and camaraderie.

From that day forward, JHRS has actively participated in local and global HR conferences as speakers, panelists and participants with the aim of fostering the free exchange of ideas and best practices that affect and influence the practice of HR in the world.

From that day forward, JHRS began to grow (and continues to grow) from seven individuals to hundreds of members, partners, subscribers, friends and supporters.

Fast forward to 11 years, JHRS is again at a turning point.

On September 1, 2018, I will be retiring as the Founding Chief Community Officer of JHRS and Managing Editor of The HR Agenda Magazine. I will be passing the baton to our new Chief Community Officer who is indeed one of JHRS’ long-time member, friend and supporter: Mr. Yoshiharu Matsui, Ed.D., MBA and as many of you know, one of the hosts of JHRS’ AskHR Forum.

Dr. Matsui brings forth with him extensive credentials, network, experience and expertise in the area of HR management both from Japan and international perspectives. I highly invite you to read his Welcome Message at the JHRS Community section of this issue of The HR Agenda and join me in welcoming Dr. Matsui as JHRS Chief Community Officer and The HR Agenda’s Managing Editor. Dr. Matsui and I will be working together to fully transition my duties and responsibilities to him by the end of the year.

Of course, there is a part of me that feels sad as this role and JHRS had been an integral part of my professional and personal lives. I do feel that JHRS and The HR Agenda are my babies and that I am their parent.

However, just like in real life and actual parenthood, there comes a time that parents need to let go of their children so that their children can spread their wings and learn how to fly on their own and begin their learning journeys. I am just truly glad and thankful that Dr. Matsui will be taking over from me and bring JHRS and The HR Agenda to their next stage of growth and development. In short, we are in good hands, and the future is bright for JHRS and The HR Agenda.

As for me, I will be pursuing my M.A./Ph.D. studies on Positive Organizational Psychology at the prestigious Claremont Graduate University (CGU) in California, U.S. from Spring 2019. CGU, established in 1925, is the oldest all-graduate institution in the U.S. It is part of the Claremont Consortium which is patterned after U.K.’s Oxford and Cambridge University Systems and composes five undergraduate universities and two graduate-only universities: CGU (where The Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management is part of) and The Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences.

I am truly looking forward to this new chapter of my learning journey as I explore, learn, and even create new knowledge about Positive Organizational Psychology from pioneers and leading experts in the field. Most of all, I am looking forward to applying these new learning and knowledge back to HR and the world of work, and in the process, help establish the foundations of Positive HR (see Editorial).

At this point, let me take this last opportunity as CCO to express my sincerest gratitude to all of our members, subscribers, advisers, officers, partners, advertisers, supporters and friends of JHRS and The HR Agenda for giving me the opportunity and the privilege to be your Founding CCO for the past 11 years. Being your CCO had been a very rewarding and enriching experience for me as a person and as an HR professional. This role gave me a lot of opportunities to learn, grow and connect with a lot of people whom I would have never met if not for JHRS or The HR Agenda.

I am leaving my role as CCO but not as a JHRS member, friend and supporter. I will always be here to do whatever I can to help JHRS to move forward towards its mission of advancing the HR profession in Japan.

Again, thank you so much for the opportunity to serve as JHRS CCO, for your support, and most of all for the gift of friendship in the past, now, and in the future. Please let us do keep in touch by email (, phone, or in person in California or Japan.

I remain.



だがわれわれの議論はそれに留まらなかった。デザートが来るころになると、「われわれが不満に感じていることを何とかしよう、われわれ自身が解決策になろう」ということでわれわれの意見は一致した。これこそ、後に「Japan HR Society」(JHRS)と名前を変えることになる「日本HRリンクネットワーク」(JHRL)が誕生した瞬間だった


JHRSはこの日以降、「The HR Agenda」と呼ばれた月刊の電子版ニュースレターの配信を開始した。2011年、これは日本初かつ唯一の2か国語HR専門誌へと進化した。一方、電子版ニュースレターは「JHRSバイウィークリー」の形で継続している



JHRSはこの日以降、さまざまなアドボカシーを開始した。その例を挙げれば、「グリーンHR」「Woman in HR」「CEO-HRフォーラム」「責任あるリクルーティング」といったイベントであり、また、JHRSメンバーのエンゲージメント、相互交流、それにコミュニティーの一体感と仲間意識の醸成を目的とした「AskHR」「HR法律相談」といったフォーラムである




2018年9月1日に私は、JHRSの「創設・チーフ・コミュニティー・オフィサー(COO)」と「The HR Agenda総括編集人」の役職を辞任し、そのバトンを新しいCCOに引き渡したいと考えている。その人こそまさに、JHRSの長きにわたるメンバーであり、友人であり、そして支援者である松井義治氏である。教育学博士とMBAの学位を持つ松井氏は、各位もよくご存知のとおり、JHRSの「AskHRフォーラム」の主宰者の1人でもある

松井氏は、広範な資質、ネットワーク、経験、専門知識を日本と国際的な視点から遺憾なく披瀝している。各位におかれても、The HR Agenda本号の「JHRSコミュニティー・ニュー ス」欄に掲載された松井氏の挨拶をぜひお読みいただくとともに、「JHRSチーフ・コミュニティー・オフィサー」と「The HR Agenda総括編集人」としての松井氏を心より迎え入れていただきたい。松井氏と私は、職務と責任を今年末までに完全に引き継ぐよう協働していく所存である。

むろん、この措置を悲しく思う自分がいることも事実である。というのも、この役割とJHRSは、すでに私の専門的・個人的生活の欠かすことのできない一部になっているからである。いってみればJHRSThe HR Agendaは私の子どもであり、私は彼らの親だといっても過言ではない。

かしながら、実生活がそうであるように、親はいつの日か子どもたちを手放し、一方、子どもたちは、自分の翼を思い切り広げ、自分の力だけで大空を飛び、学びの旅を始めなければならないときがやってくる。その意味で松井氏が、JHRSThe HR Agendaを私の手元から引き取り、それらを成長と発展のための新たなステージに置いてくれることを私は心から嬉しく思い、また感謝している。端的にいえば私たちはとてもいい関係にあり、JHRSTheHR Agendaの未来は明るいと確信している



最後となるこの機会を借りて私は、JHRSおよびThe HR Agendaのメンバー、アドバイザー、役員、パートナー、広告主、支援者、そして友人たちに対して、11年の長きにわたって創設CCOでいることができた幸運と恩恵をCCOとして深甚なる謝意を申し上げたい。JHRSCCOでいることは、1人の人間としての、また1人のHR専門家としての私にまことに豊かな報奨と経験を与えてくれた。この役割は、学び、成長し、そして、JHRSThe HR Agenda関わらなければけっして巡り会うことのできなかった多くの人たちと出会う機会を与えてくれた




Jun Kabigting, MBA, MS, SPHRi| カビッティン・順 MBA/MS/SPHRi


Jun Kabigting is president of HR Central K.K. and an adjunct professor/lecturer with Temple University Japan Campus and GLOBIS Management School. He has more than 25 years of experience across the entire HR value chain, most of them Japan-focused. He has a solid experience as a trainer, HR consultant, and talent acquisition professional. He passionately believes in advancing the HR agenda in Japan through continuing HR education, knowledge sharing and use of HR best practices

カビッティン・順 「 エイチアールセントラル株式会社」代表取締役、「テンプル大学日本校」と「グロービス・マネジメント・スクール」の非常勤講師。HRのバリューチェーン全体を通じた経験は25年以上。その大部分が日本に特化したもの。トレーナー、HRコンサルタント、人材獲得専門家としての確固たる経験を持つ。HR教育、知識共有、HR最優良事例実践の継続を通して、日本のHRの課題が前進すると信じ、情熱を持って取り組んでいる。                                                     


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