Editor's Note

What Do People Say When Talk Turns to HR? 

Hilda Rosca Narte

Your brand is what other people say about you when you're not in the room, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos famously said. Or, as some might argue, what the internet says (as more apt given the impact of online reputations today).  

Translating this definition to HR, have you ever thought about what would people say, when asked off the record: what does HR do for you? How do you feel about HR? 

At first, it might be a bit jarring to take HR as if it's a product, something that should be branded, packaged marketed and even promoted. 

But as many HR professionals (and previous issues of this magazine) has shown time and again, HR is a demanding, complex field, with a wide range of roles both real and perceived by all stakeholders. That's why it's crucial for HR to make sure their identity is clear among all concerned inside and outside the organization – that means clarity on what they stand for, the value they bring to the table. 

Having a strong brand is an essential way to assume your department’s dynamic role of ensuring employee happiness and supporting business success, as well as building the support necessary for you to do your best work. As organizations gear for the succeeding fiscal year, a strong HR brand helps you get funding and resources you need to bring in results. As Shari Caudron writes  in the book Brand HR: Why and How to Market Your Image: “If you want HR to be perceived as more strategic, more valuable, more credible, more whatever, you need to start thinking like a business with a product and market your overall brand image.” 

That's why in this issue, we're covering a range of issues that HR might use as thinking points and gain action steps as you build your HR brand. 

For the editorial, Dr. Ekta Sharma shares the data and research that can empower the work of HR Branding: Raising the Visibility and Value of HR. 

For our AskHR column, Yoshi and Andrew share expert insights on how to fine-tune the task of marketing the HR function. 

With social media gaining a bigger and influential role in building HR and employer brands, our HR Legal Clinic diagnoses the top considerations when recruiting on social media. 

Betterteam, the company known for building systems are revolutionizing recruitment through tech, shares The Whys and Hows of Employer Branding

Talentlyft tackles the intersection between HR and marketing in their article on using marketing tactics for recruitment, while KPMG shares the building blocks of treating the Employee as Customer

Our Knowledge @Wharton series tackles the question, “Is Your Culture Your Brand?” We are also publishing the results of an intriguing study on how Japanese professionals can be more confident about learning English (a move that impacts both personal and company brands). 

Finally, check our Community News section. There’s an offer there to JHRS members to an invitation-only summit on the future of talent to be held in London. Attending the event is indeed an opportunity to supercharge the HR brand. 



Hilda Rosca Nartea is editor in chief of The HR AgendaShe heads the content team of a Dubai-based digital agency and is also a content producer for non-profit organizations, having done projects for the United Nations Development Programme under the Philippine Department of Energy. She studied Film and Audio-Visual Communications at the University of the Philippines.


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