Community News

Women in HR
Advocating for the Broader Community |

Kumiko Shimotsubo  | 下坪 久美子

Translated from the Japanese original

     Many organizations are discussing how to build a supportive working environment for women to excel in their chosen careers. JHRS’ Women in HR Advocacy ( provides a forum for HR professionals from all industries to share best practice. In 2012, Kumiko Shimotsubo, took over as Chief Advocate. Read about some of the challenges and goals of this JHRS Advocacy below and contact Kumiko directly to get involved (

     When companies and organizations discuss support for women (JoSeiShiEn 女性支援), they often emphasize programs that help women return to work after leaving for marriage or childbirth. There is little mention of the concerns held by women already working.

     However, most women who exit the labor market previously worked full-time. Therefore, it is precisely the people who are working now who will confront work/family conflicts in the future.

     Because modern Japan has a mature economy marked by material wealth, both men and women place value on the fulfillment of a variety of goals commensurate with their individual passions, aspirations and skills.

     This is why we must think about how to achieve diversity now, through ways of working that correspond to individuals’ careers and values, encompassing childrearing, family care giving, community contributions, leave of absences, study abroad and retirement. A diversity of working styles should be encouraged not only for women, but for men as well.

     In other words, rather than wresting a place for women in the existing social structure, we are striving to bring benefits to all of society. JHRS’ Women in HR Advocacy is attempting to identify styles of work that bring happiness and fulfillment to both men and women and mobilize the female workforce in order to make a better tomorrow.

     It is true that people in Japan are not yet accustomed to hearing the expression “Women in HR.” Or perhaps it is more accurate to say, it has not been an area people dared call attention to until now. However, HR itself is uniquely situated to be an

      “Women in HR will support both current HR practitioners and those to come, making the field of HR an example of leadership in realizing organizational diversity.”

overall model for achieving diversity, since HR is a function that empowers people working at companies and organizations. Even in the midst of differing values, HR can function to produce harmony. Society and companies today have given HR the mission of realizing a more mature diversity, so that all workers can gain a sense of fulfillment in their respective positions.

     Fortunately, an increasing number of women are playing active roles at the forefront of HR. To achieve further progress, JHRS’ Women in HR Advocacy will support both current women HR practitioners and those to come, making the field of HR an example of leadership in realizing organizational diversity.

Goals of JHRS’ Women in HR Advocacy:

  1. To raise awareness of the contributions from women HR practitioners in organizations in Japan and to draw attention to their unique opportunity to champion change;
  2. To create professional development opportunities that support the advancement of women HR practitioners;
  3. To engage in research and community activities which foster an environment in which women can fully express their talents and career aspirations.

     JHRS’ Women in HR Advocacy invites both men and women to participate and to incorporate their ideas and opinions, with the aim of ultimately realizing true diversity.


     「女性の能力をもっと活用しよう」という動きは今に始まったことではない。女性が働きやすい職場環境やキャリア継続の支援体制を整える企業や組織の取り組みは、あらゆる場面で問題意識として語られることが多くなった。JHRSは、あらゆる産業のHRプロフェッショナルが成功体験を共有し研鑽する場として「ウーマン・イン・エイチア ール」(を位置づけ、2012年、前アドボカシー・リーダーのレスリー・テイラーから下坪久美子にその役が引き継がれた。JHRSの「ウーマン・イン・エイチアール」活動への意欲や取組を以下に述べる。コミュニティ・メンバーから関心や質問があれば、新リーダー下坪久美子にぜひコンタクトしていただきたい。( 




     「ウーマン・イン・エイチアール(Women in HR)」という表現は日本ではまだ耳慣れないのも事実だ。言い換えると、いままであえて注目される分野ではなかったわけだが、HR自体が多様性を実現するモデルとなり、組織全体が多様性を持ち、HRの文化として働き方の多様性を体現するのは自然な流れだろう。HRとは、企業や組織で働く「人」をエンパワーする機能だ。異なる価値観による壮大なハーモニーを演出する機能なのだ。多様性を企業文化として成熟させ、働く人誰もがそれぞれの役割で達成感を得られるような組織にリードするのは、今日のHRが社会から、そして組織から与えられたミッションのひとつだ。

     HR という専門職では、幸いにして第一線で活躍する女性が増えてきている。その事実を私たち自身が認識するだけでなく、さらに先へ進




  1. 女性HRプロフェッショナルが企業や組織の多様性実現をリードできるよう、女性のHRプロフェッショナルだからこそ果たせる役割が広く認識されるよう啓蒙する
  2. 女性HRプロフェッショナルの能力開発の機会を創出する
  3. 女性HRプロフェッショナルが自由にキャリアの志向やプロモーション意欲を表明できるような環境の実現に向けて、国内外の事例や先行する社会活動に学ぶ



Kumiko Shimotsubo facilitates an intercultural training program jointly with Numenia LLC. She also leads the “Women in HR” advocacy of JHRS.  

下坪 久美子:HRコンサルタント、ビジネスパーソンや学生向けの「グローバル・マインドセット」トレーニング、コミュニティー創造プロジェクトなど「クロス・カルチャー」をキーワードに幅広く活動中。最新著書に「目的別リンクトイン活用術50」(2012年秀和システム)。JHRSの「Women in HR」リーダーとしても活動開始。


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