WIN (Women International Network) is an independent global women’s leadership organization -- one that inspires women worldwide. WIN has become the reference for modern women working internationally, conscious men and those organizations active in the field of women’s leadership (including personal leadership), development, diversity & inclusion.
WIN aims to develop, empower as well as connect leaders with a feminine, authentic and global vision -- one that inspires and guides communities, corporations, supranational institutions, political organizations and entrepreneurs worldwide.
Learn more by visiting WIN website.
1) When you get to the event fees. Payments can be made in one of the following ways:
a) If you have a code (complementary or discounted ticket as a sponsor, speaker or special guest), please select 'Code' and fill in your ticket code in the empty space beside. Press 'Check code' and you will see the 0 price appear (or the discounted price). Go to Payment method, indicate ‘Bank transfer free’ to register to the event.
b) If you are a paying participant and part of one sponsor company or partner network, then you will get 100 Euro or JPY 10,000 discount on the standard/individual fee, please select the company you belong and you will see your special price appear. (you only get one discount). The conference fee can be paid with either credit card or bank transfer. The credit card fees are shared between the participant and WIN. Please choose your payment method.