HR-ON-THE-GO: Japan HR News Roundup

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This news service contains Japan-related HR news that matter in a nutshell. Guaranteed less than 50 words linked back to its original news source. Great for busy HR pros like you!

  • 30 Aug 2022 13:54 | JHRS (Administrator)

    In the coming months, the government is expected to review the program, which has been in place for about three decades. It allows foreign nationals to work at Japanese companies as trainees for up to five years and transfer the technical expertise and skills acquired during their stay.


  • 30 Aug 2022 13:47 | JHRS (Administrator)

    The latest data from Japan's government shows companies are having a difficult time hiring workers. The ratio of job openings to seekers has increased for a 7th straight month. The labor ministry says the figure in July ticked up to 1.29. This means there were 129 job openings for every 100 applicants. The ratio was greater than 1 in all prefectures for the first time in over 2 years.


  • 29 Aug 2022 13:46 | JHRS (Administrator)

    Tokyo, Aug. 29 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese government has decided to pay over 6 trillion yen in special subsidies to help firms maintain employment amid the coronavirus crisis, the labor ministry said Monday.


  • 24 Aug 2022 13:53 | JHRS (Administrator)

    Most part-time workers are satisfied with their jobs, with flexible working hours cited as the main reason for wanting a part-time job. 


  • 11 Aug 2022 00:10 | JHRS (Administrator)

    The survey was conducted by Asahi Shimbun, which showed that companies are fine with their staff having a second job so long as they notify or seek permission from the company first to avoid any conflict of interest.


  • 07 Aug 2022 00:18 | JHRS (Administrator)

    A government survey shows that the proportion of male workers in Japan who take childcare leave hit a record high in the last fiscal year. But it remains uncertain whether the government's target can be achieved by 2025.


  • 05 Aug 2022 00:11 | JHRS (Administrator)

    Japanese companies are temporarily shutting offices or suspending production as they battle a record wave of COVID-19, disrupting businesses in a country that has until now weathered the pandemic better than most advanced economies.


  • 05 Aug 2022 00:07 | JHRS (Administrator)

    Japan’s employment for non-regular employees has risen by 0.9% year-on-year in June to 21.05 million, according to Statistics Japan data. These include temporary workers, dispatch workers, contractors, and part-time workers. Overall, the number of temporary workers rose by 3.9% to 4.49 million.


  • 29 Jul 2022 15:47 | JHRS (Administrator)

    SENDAI (Kyodo) -- Harassment and other abuses of foreign trainees in Japan are mounting, arousing criticism that the supervisory agency in charge of the government-sponsored technical internship program has failed in its role to oversee the program.


  • 29 Jul 2022 15:42 | JHRS (Administrator)

    TOKYO -- Japan has more job vacancies than applicants, making it a great place to be a job hunter. But a chronic labor shortage, in a country with a shrinking working-age population, is weighing on the prospects for a recovery from the pandemic-induced slowdown.


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