JHRS Advisory: Japanese Working Life Profile 2015/2016 by JILPT

  • 10 Mar 2016 20:04
    Message # 3872634
    JHRS (Administrator)
    As a special service to JHRS members like you, we are pleased to inform you of the following latest information on publications, research reports, and statistics from The Japan Institute for Labor Productivity and Training or JILPT (an agency of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare or MHLW). We hope that you find this useful in your business and HR profession.

    Japanese Working Life Profile 2015/2016 -Labor Statistics
     This booklet contains selected labor statistics to present a profile of Japanese workers from various perspectives. It covers basic statistical  data to give a whole picture of Japanese labor situation, such as indices for economic environment, employment situation, working conditions, family life and social security policy. Also, it provides statistics on some topics dealing with current labor issues in Japan.

        1. Economic Environment
        2. Population / Labor Force
        3. Employment
        4. Labor Turnover / Unemployment
        5. Working Conditions (Wages, Working Hours, Others)
        6. Education / Human Resources Development
        7. Labor Relations
        8. Worker's Life
        9. Social Security

       Please visit our website at http://www.jhrs.org/jilpt

    JILPT Research Report
       We publish Research Reports as a result of various researches and studies
     conducted, originally in Japanese.
     English summaries of selected reports are also available on our website.

    No.180 Summary
        Research on the Work and Lives of Non-Regular Workers in Mid-Prime Age
        -With focus on career analysis-

    No.176 Summary
        Studies on Occupational Structure II :Data Analysis on Present Status, Change,
        Requirements and Private Life Based on an Online Occupational Trends Survey  
        with 50,000 Working People

    The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies
      Abstracts, February-March, 2016 (No.668)

    Main Labor Economic Indicators, February 2016

    Recent Statistical Survey Reports, February 2016

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