JHRS Advisory: Japan Labor Review, Spring 2016 by JILPT

  • 04 Apr 2016 16:50
    Message # 3927030
    JHRS (Administrator)
    As a special service to JHRS members like you, we are pleased to inform you of the following latest information on publications, research reports, and statistics from The Japan Institute for Labor Productivity and Training or JILPT (an agency of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare or MHLW). We hope that you find this useful in your business and HR profession.

    ◆ Japan Labor Review Volume 13, Number 2, Spring 2016
      The Japan Labor Review is a quarterly journal of research in the field
     of labor studies. For the purpose of providing valuable information on
     Japanese labor issues to the broad range of overseas readers, articles
     are selected, edited and published by an editorial board of the JILPT.

      Main theme of this issue:
      "The Diversification of Regular Employment in Japan"


          ・Restricted Regular Employees and Compensating Wage Differentials:
            Theory and Evidence
          ・Current Developments and Challenges in the Personnel Management
            of Restricted Regular Employees: With a Focus on the Diversity of
            Restricted Regular Employment
          ・Diversification of Regular Employees' Career Orientations and
            the Current Status of Careers and Working Styles
          ・Understanding Restricted Regular Employment: Differences by Company
            Size with a Focus on Wages and Satisfaction Levels
          ・The MHLW's Policy of "Diverse Regular Employees" and Its Impact on
            Female Employment

        ▽Article Based on Research Report
            Addressing the Issue of Fatigue among Working Carers: The Next
            Challenge after Reforming the Family Care Leave System

        ▽JILPT Research Activities

       Please visit our website at http://www.jhrs.org/jilpt

       ※To subscribe to the print version (free of charge), please register from below.

    ◆ Databook of International Labour Statistics 2016
      JILPT Databook of International Labour Statistics 2016 is the 20th edition of
     a comprehensive statistical annual from a variety of sources in different countries.
     The databook 2016 contains 135 tables corresponding to nine major substantive chapters.

        1. Economy and Business
        2. Population and Labour Force
        3. Employment Structure
        4. Unemployment, Unemployment Insurance and Employment Adjustment
        5. Wages and Labour Costs
        6. Hours of Work and Working-time Arrangements
        7. Trade Union, Industrial Relations and Occupational Accidents
        8. Education and Human Resources Development
        9. Worklife and Welfare

       Please visit our website at

    ◆ Labor Situation in Japan and Its Analysis: General Overview 2015/2016
      This publication is a compilation of write-ups describing individual themes
     related to the current status of labor issues in Japan. In principle, it is
     issued every year alternately as "General Overview" and "Detailed Exposition"

      This publication is a compilation of write-ups describing individual themes
     related to the current status of labor issues in Japan.

        Chapter 1. Japanese Economy and Labor Situation
        Chapter 2. Labor Market
        Chapter 3. Human Resource Management
        Chapter 4. Labor-Management Relations
        Chapter 5. Labor Administration and Legislation
        Chapter 6. Social Security System

      Please visit our website at

    ◆ Japanese Working Life Profile 2015/2016 ―Labor Statistics
      This booklet contains selected labor statistics to present a profile of
     Japanese workers from various perspectives. It covers basic statistical
     data to give a whole picture of Japanese labor situation, such as indices
     for economic environment, employment situation, working conditions, family
     life and social security policy. Also, it provides statistics on some topics
     dealing with current labor issues in Japan.

        1. Economic Environment
        2. Population / Labor Force
        3. Employment
        4. Labor Turnover / Unemployment
        5. Working Conditions (Wages, Working Hours, Others)
        6. Education / Human Resources Development
        7. Labor Relations
        8. Worker's Life
        9. Social Security

       Please visit our website at

    ◆ Statistics
      ◇Main Labor Economic Indicators, March 2016

      ◇Recent Statistical Survey Reports, February 2016

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