JHRS Advisory: Japan Labor Review, Autumn 2016 by JILPT

  • 07 Oct 2016 13:20
    Message # 4294796
    JHRS (Administrator)

    As a special service to JHRS members like you, we are pleased to inform you of the following latest information on publications, research reports, and statistics from The Japan Institute for Labor Productivity and Training or JILPT (an agency of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare or MHLW). We hope that you find this useful in your business and HR profession.

    Japan Labor Review Volume 13, Number 4, Autumn 2016


    The Japan Labor Review is a quarterly journal of research in the field of labor studies. For the purpose of providing valuable information on Japanese labor issues to the broad range of overseas readers, articles are selected, edited and published by an editorial board of the JILPT.

     Main theme of this issue:

       "Illegal Labor"





           Developments and Issues in the Regulation of Illegal Labor in Japan

           Motivations for Obeying and Breaking the Law: A Preliminary Study

            Focused on Labor Law and the Role of Non-Instrumental Motivations

           Factors Contributing to Labor Law Violations and Employees' Subjective

             Perceptions of “Black Companies”: Focus on Workplace Characteristics

             and Human Resource Management

           International Trends in Systems for Inspection of Labor Law Violations

           Policy Measures to Tackle Violations of Labor and Employment Laws in Japan


         Article Based on Research Report

                  Comparative Analysis of Employment Dispute Cases Resolved by Labor Bureau

                  Conciliation, Labor Tribunals and Court Settlement


         JILPT Research Activities


        Please visit our website at http://www.jhrs.org/jilpt   

     To subscribe to the print version (free of charge), please register from below.



    The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies


    The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies is a peer review-based specialist research magazine containing high-quality articles by researchers and experts active in the front lines of research (first issued in 1959).

        October 2016(No.675)

        "What the Form of Labour Should Be in the Agricultural Field"


       Please visit our website at



    Research Report (Summary)


    JILPT regularly publishes English summaries of Research Reports as results of various researches and studies conducted, originally in Japanese. Listed below are summaries of selected issues provided in English translation.

       No.184 Collective Agreement Systems in Modern Industrialized Nations

         Summary and Observations


       No.182 Research and Development of the "Workshop for Visualization of

                Vocational Counseling Skills―‘Kan’and‘Kotsu'"

                ―Training research that incorporates cognitive task analysis―



       Please visit our website at





       Main Labor Economic Indicators, September 2016


       Recent Statistical Survey Reports, September 2016


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